Individual Coaching Programs

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If you’re sick of unsustainable diets, programs and lifestyles changes.

You’re sick of being sold the newest solution to your problems.

If you’re ready to end the fight with food and your body.

If you’ve thought about body acceptance but haven’t quite got there.

Some days it feels like you’ve tried everything.

I’m here to tell you that if you’re trying too hard, you’re doing it wrong.

Now is the time to tap into the intuitive wisdom that your body already holds.

Now is the time to embrace embodiment and get your life back.

Coaching with grace is right for you if you:

Want to find the Freedom to eat, live and simply enjoy the gifts that your life has to offer without obsessing about weight and body image.

Want to Find joyful ways to move and nourish yourself intuitively.

Are committed to the process

Discover the wisdom your soul holds for living the life of your dreams.

The last 4 months of coaching with Grace has been more beneficial to me than the prior 1.5 years seeing a psychiatrist! Her approach is so accessible and felt like a custom fit “program” - those close to me have noticed monumental positive changes- I am looking forward to her continued support and gentle guidance!
— - Client JB